Who we are

Who we are

The Genomic Genetic and Biology Innovation Pole (Polo GGB) is a highly specialized center, a model for research and service provision in the fields of diagnostics, medical genetics, ecology, genomics and bioinformatics.

Polo d’Innovazione di Genomica Genetica e Biologia (POLO GGB) has been delivering high-quality services to universities, industries, and diagnostic laboratories in the genomic, genetic, and bioinformatics fields since 2011.

In recent times, Polo GGB has diversified its range of services by establishing three distinct core facilities: the Genomics and Bioinformatics laboratory, situated at the Toscana Life Sciences Incubator in Siena (Tuscany); the Genetics & Ecology laboratory, and the Immunology laboratory in Terni (Umbria).


The company’s goal is to enhance its service offerings through a constant focus on providing innovative solutions to its customers in both the services and research domains. With state-of-the-art technologies in its laboratories and analytical capabilities developed over the years, Polo GGB is a partner in significant European and international research projects in collaboration with internationally renowned research centers, often funded by institutions of great international relevance such as the European Commission, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and institutions like DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Project Agency).

From a diagnostic perspective, Polo GGB works on continually updating its offerings by designing and validating new diagnostic assays in-house. The company also contributes to Research and Development projects in collaboration with hospitals and healthcare institutions, all aimed at providing increasingly patient-centric diagnostic services.


POLO GGB promotes the dissemination of knowledge in the fields of Genetics and Genomics by organizing scientific seminars and training courses within its areas of expertise.


To stay updated on initiaves, follow Polo GGB’s social media channels and subscribe to the newsletter.

Our Team


Greta Immobile Molaro - Polo GGB

Greta Immobile Molaro

Chief Executive Officer

Mena Mansi - CFO - Polo GGB

Mena Mansi, MAcc

Chief Financial Officer

Saverio Vespasiani - Polo GGB

Saverio Vespasiani

Sales and Marketing Manager

Molecular biology

Alfredo Orrico - Polo GGB

Alfredo Orrico

Sanitary Director

Sara Amitrano - Polo GGB

Sara Amitrano, MMedSci

Chief Laboratory Manager

Chiara Leo - Polo GGB

Chiara Leo, PhD

Chief Bioinformatician

Anita Lombardi - Polo GGB

Anita Lombardi, PhD

Senior Biotechnologist

Rosa Giglio - Polo GGB

Rosa Giglio, PhD

NGS Researcher Team Leader

Sara Tullii - Polo GGB

Sara Tullii, MSc


Mattia Marconi - Polo GGB

Mattia Marconi, MSc


Anna Rocchi - Polo GGB

Anna Rocchi, PhD

Senior Bioinformatician

Tommaso Mozzini - Polo GGB

Tommaso Mozzini, MSc

Data entry

Marco Carloni - Polo GGB

Marco Carloni, MEcon

Accountant & Secretary/ Logistic Assistant

Silvia Batistoni - Polo GGB

Silvia Batistoni

Customer care Assistant

Ecology and Genetics

Jarek Krzywinski - Polo GGB

Jaroslaw Krzywinski, PhD

Scientific Manager

Viviana Musciotto - Polo GGB

Viviana Musciotto, MSc

Quality Manager

Chryssa Taxiarchi - Polo GGB

Chryssa Taxiarchi, PhD

Senior Researcher

Florian Noulin - Polo GGB

Florian Noulin, PhD

Senior Molecular Researcher

Giuseppe Condorelli - Polo GGB

Giuseppe Condorelli, PhD

Population Genetician

Tania Persampieri - Polo GGB

Tania Persampieri, MSc

Biosafety Manager

Rocco D'Amato - Polo GGB

Rocco D'Amato, PhD

Molecular Researcher

Alessanro Trusso - Polo GGB

Alessandro Trusso, MSc

Chief Insectary Technician

Alessandro Bucci - Polo GGB

Alessandro Bucci, MSc

Senior Insectary Technician

Roxana Minuz - Polo GGB

Roxana L. Minuz, PhD

Senior Insectary Technician

Valeria Bertoldi - Polo GGB

Valeria Bertoldi, PhD

Biology Molecular Technician

Roswitha Dolcemascolo, PhD

Roswitha Dolcemascolo, PhD

Molecular Biologist Researcher

Weronika Grazlewska -Polo GGB

Weronika Grazlewska

Sr. Researcher/Protein Area

Giulia Mosca - Polo GGB

Giulia Mosca, MSc

Junior Insectary Technician

Paolo Mortaro - Polo GGB

Paolo Mortaro, MSc

Junior Insectary Technician

Gloria Giovenali - Polo GGB

Gloria Giovenali, PhD

Junior Insectary Technician

Anna Beber - Polo GGB

Anna Beber, MSc

Junior Insectary Technician

Sonia Vittori, MSc

Sonia Vittori, MSc

Junior Insectary Technician


Luisa Nunziangeli - Polo GGB

Luisa Nunziangeli, PhD

Senior Immunology Researcher




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