Pubblicazioni scientifiche



Filippo Murina, MD, Cecilia Fochesato, MD, Chiara Leo, PhD, Giuseppe E Condorelli, PhD, Anna Rocchi, PhD, Sara Amitrano, MMedSci, Valerio Napolioni, PhD, Valeria Savasi, MD.
Evaluation of polygenic risk scores for hormones and receptors levels in patients with vestibulodynia: a case–control study
The Journal of Sexual Medicine, 2025; qdae201.




Greta Immobile Molaro, Anna Nosella
Addressing startups research at the crossroad of entrepreneurship, strategy and business model: a literature review and a research agenda


Rocco D’Amato, Chrysanthi Taxiarchi, Marco Galardini, Alessandro Trusso, Roxana L. Minuz, Silvia Grilli, Alastair G. T. Somerville, Dammy Shittu, Ahmad S. Khalil, Roberto Galizi, Andrea Crisanti, Alekos Simoni & Ruth Müller.
Anti-CRISPR Anopheles mosquitoes inhibit gene drive spread under challenging behavioural conditions in large cages
Nat Commun 15, 952 (2024).


Damiana Ravasi, Pantelis Topalis, Arianna Puggioli, Chiara Leo, Eleonora Flacio, George Papagiannakis, Fabrizio Balestrino, Margherita Martelli, Romeo Bellini.
Random mutations induced by a sub-sterilizing dose of gamma ray on Aedes albopictus male pupae and transmission to progeny
Acta Tropica, Volume 256, 2024.


R Curcio, L Nunziangeli, E Nulli Migliola, F Battista, M D’Abbondanza, F Anastasio, M E Crapa, L Sanesi, G Pucci, G Vaudo.
Serum Myostatin is Associated With Central-to-Peripheral Arterial Stiffness Gradient in Healthy Adolescents: The MACISTE Study
American Journal of Hypertension, Volume 37, Issue 10, October 2024, Pages 777–783.




Paola Pollegioni 1 2, Tania Persampieri 2, Roxana L Minuz 2, Alessandro Bucci 2, Alessandro Trusso 2, Salvatore Di Martino 2, Chiara Leo 2, Marco Bruttini 2 3, Marco Ciolfi 1, Ann-Marie Waldvogel 4, Frédéric Tripet 5, Alekos Simoni 2, Andrea Crisanti 6, Ruth Müller 2 7.
Introgression of a synthetic sex ratio distortion transgene into different genetic backgrounds of Anopheles coluzzii
Insect Mol Biol. 2023 Feb;32(1):56-68.


Oumarou Ouedraogo, Mariama Kaba Cherif, Edith Christiane Bougouma, Yéri Esther Hien, Luisa Nunziangeli, Amidou Diarra, Youssouf Kabore, Dinanibè Kambire, Abdou Azaque Zouré, Henri Gautier Ouedraogo, Alfred Béwendtaoré Tiono, Giampietro Corradin, Valentina Mangano, David Modiano, Yves Traore, Seni Kouanda, Sodiomon Bienvenu Sirima, Roberta Spaccapelo, Issa Nebie.
Anticorps IgG et facteurs associés au paludisme clinique chez des enfants de moins de cinq ans vivant en zone endémique du paludisme au Burkina Faso – IgG Antibodies and factors associated with clinical malaria in children under five living in a malaria endemic area in Burkina Faso
AJOL Vol. 45 No. 1




Simoni A.
Movement of genetically modified insects for research purposes. In Safety, regulatory, and environmental issues related to international trade of insects
Rev Sci Tech. Off. Int. Epiz., 41 (1)


Damiani C, Cappelli A, Comandatore F, Montarsi F, Serrao A, Michelutti A, Bertola M, Mancini MV, Ricci I, Bandi C, Favia G.
Wolbachia in Aedes koreicus: Rare Detections and Possible Implications
Insects. 2022 Feb 21;13(2):216.


Pucci, Giacomo1; D’Abbondanza, Marco2; Curcio, Rosa1; Alcidi, Riccardo2; Campanella, Tommaso1; Chiatti, Lorenzo1; Veca, Vito2; Sanesi, Leandro2; Anastasio, Fabio3; Nunziangeli, Luisa4; Ministrini, Stefano1,5; Vaudo, Gaetano1.
Relationship between serum myostatin levels and carotid-femoral pulse wave velocity in healthy young male adolescents: the MACISTE study
J Appl Physiol (1985). 2021 Apr 1;130(4):987-992.  Epub 2021 Feb 25.


Matteo Vitale, Chiara Leo, Thomas Courty, Nace Kranjc, John B. Connolly, Giulia Morselli, Christopher Bamikole, Roya Elaine Haghighat-Khah, Federica Bernardini & Silke Fuchs.
Comprehensive characterization of a transgene insertion in a highly repetitive, centromeric region of Anopheles mosquitoes
Pathogens and Global Health, 117(3), 273–283.


Müller, Ruth; Bellini, Romeo; Graziosi, Ignazio; Sy, Victoria; Trusso, Alessandro; Balestrino, Fabrizio; Puggioli, Arianna; Zagrajek, Adrian; Wilson, Anthony; Simoni, Alekos; Carpenter, Simon.
Influence of laboratory, semi-field and field conditions on Aedes albopictus vector competence
Mendeley Data, V2




Hammond A, Pollegioni P, Persampieri T, North A, Minuz R, Trusso A, Bucci A, Kyrou K, Morianou I, Simoni A, Nolan T, Müller R, Crisanti A.
Gene-drive suppression of mosquito populations in large cages as a bridge between lab and field
Nat Commun. 2021 Jul 28;12(1):4589.


Annas, G.J., Beisel, C.L., Clement, K., Crisanti, A., Francis, S., Galardini, M., Galizi, R., Grünewald, J., Immobile, G., Khalil, A.S., Müller, R., Pattanayak, V., Petri, K., Paul, L., Pinello, L., Simoni, A., Taxiarchi, C., Joung, J.K.
A Code of Ethics for Gene Drive Research
CRISPR J. 2021 Feb;4(1):19-24.


Garrood, W.T., Kranjc, N., Petri, K., Kim, D.Y., Guo, J.A., Hammond, A.M., Morianou, I., Pattanayak, V., Joung, J.K., Crisanti, A., Simoni, A.
Analysis of off-target effects in CRISPR-based gene drives in the human malaria mosquito
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2021 Jun 1;118(22):e2004838117.


Giulia Poli*1#, Consuelo Fabi2#, Ilaria Bocci3, Giulia Ceccotti4, Luisa Nunziangeli5, Elisabetta Costantini2 and Stefano Brancorsini1.
A Mini Review on Epigenetics MiRNAs and their Influence on Bladder Cancer Development
Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research. March, 2021, Volume 34, 4, pp 26863-26870


Chrysanthi Taxiarchi, Andrea Beaghton, Nayomi Illansinhage Don, Kyros Kyrou, Matthew Gribble, Dammy Shittu, Scott P Collins, Chase L Beisel, Roberto Galizi, Andrea Crisanti
A genetically encoded anti-CRISPR protein constrains gene drive spread and prevents population suppression
Nat Commun 12, 3977 (2021).


Claudio Cucini, Chiara Leo, Francesco Nardi, Samuele Greco, Chiara Manfrin, Piero G. Giulianini, Antonio Carapelli.
First de novo transcriptome analysis of the Antarctic springtail Cryptopygus terranovus (Collembola: Isotomidae) following mid-term heat exposure
Antarctic Science. 2021;33(5):459-468.




Evans SW, Beal J, Berger K, Bleijs DA, Cagnetti A, Ceroni F, Epstein GL, Garcia-Reyero N, Gillum DR, Harkess G, Hillson NJ, Hogervorst PAM, Jordan JL, Lacroix G, Moritz R, ÓhÉigeartaigh SS, Palmer MJ, van Passel MWJ.
Embrace experimentation in biosecurity governance. Science
2020 Apr 10;368(6487):138-140.


Pollegioni P, North AR, Persampieri T, Bucci A, Minuz RL, Groneberg DA, Nolan T, Papathanos PA, Crisanti A, Müller R.
Detecting the population dynamics of an autosomal sex ratio distorter transgene in malaria vector mosquitoes
J Appl Ecol. 2020 Oct;57(10):2086-2096.


Giulia Poli 1, Consuelo Fabi 2, Marina Maria Bellet 1, Claudio Costantini 1, Luisa Nunziangeli 3, Luigina Romani 1, Stefano Brancorsini 1.
Epigenetic Mechanisms of Inflammasome Regulation.
Int J Mol Sci. 2020 Aug 11;21(16):5758.


Graziosi, I., Aranda, C., Balestrino, F., Bellini, R., Núria, B., Mammadou, C., Crisanti A.
A Litmus Test for Harmonized Mosquito Monitoring across Europe and Africa
BioRxiv, January,2020.01.30.927020.


Simoni A, Hammond AM, Beaghton AK, Galizi R, Taxiarchi C, Kyrou K, Meacci D, Gribble M, Morselli G, Burt A, Nolan T, Crisanti A.
A male-biased sex-distorter gene drive for the human malaria vector Anopheles gambiae
Nat Biotechnol. 2020 Sep;38(9):1054-1060.




Facchinelli, L., North, A.R., Collins, C.M., Menichelli, M., Persampieri, T., Bucci, A., Spaccapelo, R., Crisanti, A., Benedict, M.Q..
Large-cage assessment of a transgenic sex-ratio distortion strain on populations of an African malaria vector
Parasit Vectors 12, 70.


Oumarou Ouédraogo1,2*, Luisa Nunziangeli3, Edith C. Bougouma1, Youssouf Kaboré1, Amidou Diarra1, Blami Koté4, Alfred B. Tiono1, Giampietro Corradin5, Valentina Mangano6, David Modiano6, Yves Traoré2, Sodiomon B. Sirima1, Roberta Spaccapelo7 and Issa Nébié1.
Seroreactivity of Populations Living in Endemic Area of Burkina Faso to Plasmodium falciparum Alpha-Helical Coiled Coil Proteins Motifs by Protein Microarray
J Trop Dis 7: 320.




Chiara Nocciolini 1,Claudio Cucini 2ORCID,Chiara Leo 2ORCID,Valeria Francardi 3ORCID,Elena Dreassi 4ORCID andAntonio Carapelli 2,*ORCID.
Assessing the Efficiency of Molecular Markers for the Species Identification of Gregarines Isolated from the Mealworm and Super Worm Midgut.
Microorganisms. 2018 Nov 27;6(4):119.


Antonio Cassone 1.
The Case for an Expanded Concept of Trained Immunity
mBio. 2018 May 22;9(3):e00570-18.




Francesco Papa 1, Nikolai Windbichler 2, Robert M Waterhouse 3 4 5, Alessia Cagnetti 1 6, Rocco D’Amato 1, Tania Persampieri 1 6, Mara K N Lawniczak 7, Tony Nolan 2, Philippos Aris Papathanos 1.
Rapid evolution of female-biased genes among four species of Anopheles malaria mosquitoes
Genome Res. 2017 Sep;27(9):1536-1548.


Andrew M Hammond 1, Kyros Kyrou 1, Marco Bruttini 2, Ace North 3, Roberto Galizi 1, Xenia Karlsson 1, Nace Kranjc 1, Francesco M Carpi 1, Romina D’Aurizio 4, Andrea Crisanti 1, Tony Nolan 1.
The creation and selection of mutations resistant to a gene drive over multiple generations in the malaria mosquito
PLoS Genet. 2017 Oct 4;13(10):e1007039.


Antonella Torosantucci 1, Mario Tumbarello 2, Carla Bromuro 1, Paola Chiani 1, Brunella Posteraro 3, Maurizio Sanguinetti 4, Roberto Cauda 2, Antonio Cassone 5.
Antibodies against a β-glucan-protein complex of Candida albicans and its potential as indicator of protective immunity in candidemic patients
Sci Rep. 2017 Jun 2;7(1):2722.


Elena Gabrielli 1, Elena Roselletti 1, Eva Pericolini 1 2, Samuele Sabbatini 1, Anna Vecchiarelli 1, Antonio Cassone 3.
Chronic Vaginal Candidiasis Is Achievable in Outbred CD-1 Mice
mBio. 2017 Oct 24;8(5):e01372-17.


Elena Roselletti 1, Stefano Perito 1, Elena Gabrielli 1, Antonella Mencacci 1, Eva Pericolini 1 2, Samuele Sabbatini 1, Antonio Cassone 3, Anna Vecchiarelli 4.
NLRP3 inflammasome is a key player in human vulvovaginal disease caused by Candida albicans
Sci Rep. 2017 Dec 19;7(1):17877.




Laura Valerio 1, C Matilda Collins 2, Rosemary Susan Lees 3 4, Mark Q Benedict 1 5.
Benchmarking vector arthropod culture: an example using the African malaria mosquito, Anopheles gambiae (Diptera: Culicidae)
Malar J. 2016 May 10;15(1):262.


Antonio Cassone 1, Anna Vecchiarelli 2, Bernhard Hube 3 4 5
Aspartyl Proteinases of Eukaryotic Microbial Pathogens: From Eating to Heating
PLoS Pathog. 2016 Dec 22;12(12):e1005992.


Antonio Cassone 1
Zika, more reasons for concern
Pathog Glob Health. 2016 Mar;110(2):37-8.


Antonio Cassone 1, Jack D Sobel 2
Experimental Models of Vaginal Candidiasis and Their Relevance to Human Candidiasis
Infect Immun. 2016 Apr 22;84(5):1255-1261.




Vicky Dritsou, Pantelis Topalis, Nikolai Windbichler, Alekos Simoni, Ann Hall, Daniel Lawson, Malcolm Hinsley, Daniel Hughes, Valerio Napolioni, Francesca Crucianelli, Elena Deligianni, Giuliano Gasperi, Ludvik M Gomulski, Grazia Savini, Mosè Manni, Francesca Scolari, Anna R Malacrida, Bruno Arcà, José M Ribeiro, Fabrizio Lombardo, Giuseppe Saccone, Marco Salvemini, Riccardo Moretti, Giuseppe Aprea, Maurizio Calvitti, Matteo Picciolini, Philippos Aris Papathanos, Roberta Spaccapelo, Guido Favia, Andrea Crisanti, Christos Louis.
A draft genome sequence of an invasive mosquito: an Italian Aedes albopictus
Pathog Glob Health. 2015 Jul;109(5):207-20.


Eva Pericolini 1, Elena Gabrielli 1, Mario Amacker 2, Lydia Kasper 3, Elena Roselletti 1, Eugenio Luciano 1, Samuele Sabbatini 1, Matthias Kaeser 2, Christian Moser 2, Bernhard Hube 3, Anna Vecchiarelli 1, Antonio Cassone 4.
Secretory Aspartyl Proteinases Cause Vaginitis and Can Mediate Vaginitis Caused by Candida albicans in Mice.
mBio. 2015 Jun 2;6(3):e00724.


Tong Seng Lim 1, Valerie Chew 2, Je Lin Sieow 3, Siting Goh 3, Joe Poh-Sheng Yeong 4, Ai Ling Soon 3, Paola Ricciardi-Castagnoli 5.
PD-1 expression on dendritic cells suppresses CD8+T cell function and antitumor immunity. Oncoimmunology.
Oncoimmunology. 2015 Aug 31;5(3):e1085146.




Clelia F Oliva 1, David Damiens 2, Mark Q Benedict 3
Male reproductive biology of Aedes mosquitoes
Acta Trop. 2014 Apr:132 Suppl:S12-9.


Rosemary Susan Lees 1, Bart Knols 2, Romeo Bellini 3, Mark Q Benedict 4, Ambicadutt Bheecarry 5, Hervé Christophe Bossin 6, Dave D Chadee 7, Jacques Charlwood 8, Roch K Dabiré 9, Luc Djogbenou 10, Alexander Egyir-Yawson 11, René Gato 12, Louis Clément Gouagna 13, Mo’awia Mukhtar Hassan 14, Shakil Ahmed Khan 15, Lizette L Koekemoer 16, Guy Lemperiere 17, Nicholas C Manoukis 18, Raimondas Mozuraitis 19, R Jason Pitts 20, Frederic Simard 21, Jeremie R L Gilles 22
Review: Improving our knowledge of male mosquito biology in relation to genetic control programmes
Acta Trop. 2014 Apr:132 Suppl:S2-11.


Monica Borghi 1, Giorgia Renga 1, Matteo Puccetti 2, Vasileios Oikonomou 1, Melissa Palmieri 1, Claudia Galosi 1, Andrea Bartoli 1, Luigina Romani 1
Antifungal Th Immunity: Growing up in Family
Front Immunol. 2014 Oct 15:5:506.




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